Chanuka 2012

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The Etta Kossowsky Fund News Update
Chanuka 5773/2012

Dear Friend,

Torah learning, says the Ramchal, was created by the Almighty as the antidote to an evil inclination. That means that the many women learning in the name of my daughter Etta,z.l. have a share in combating wrongdoing as well as enjoying and benefiting from their learning. Here are a few lines about the learning in Etta Kossowsky Study Groups:

Rabbi Silberg's Gemara group in Jerusalem is growing bigger all the time. Everyone there is wholly engaged in the discussion of the text of Tractate Kiddushin. The current topic considers the conditions that may affect a betrothal; for example, a man may believe that the woman is a Cohen or a Levi, that she is rich or poor- and she is not; a woman may have several suitors and the sequence of the proposals she receives may determine which one she will be betrothed to; it seems that nothing can be taken for granted.

One group in Bet Shemesh has just begun a study of 'Mesilat Yesharim' by Moshe Chaim Luzzato, the Ramchal. Sara Shpitzer writes: The Mesila is a guide to a graded spiritual process that will lead us from our bad habits to the level of 'kedusha'. This may not come naturally and may require a great deal of application and it is this that the Mesila describes. In our shiurim, we study, debate, argue and, hopefully, learn how to improve our Midot.

In Talmon, special shiurim are given in Etta's memory. Ruti Abramovits tells us: The last shiur took place on 11th Cheshvan, the Yahrzeit of our matriarch Rachel. Naama Menosi gave us an insightful talk about this very special spiritual woman and the link between her and Abraham. The shiur also taught us the value of silence, of weighing words before we utter them, since these words may may be inspired by our baser self.

Elly Waller writes: The Nach Chabura in Jerusalem finished learning the last Chapters of Ezekiel in the summer, these focused on the future third Temple. We have begun on the 'trei assar', the twelve Minor Prophets. Hosea dealt with the problems of religion, morals and politics in the Northern Kingdom of Israel, which he likes to refer to as Ephraim. He moans that the prophet is loathed, “the prophet is a fool, the man of spirit is mad” (ch.9,7). We learnt quickly about the prophet Yoel  and his lots of locusts and we are currently immersed in Amos and his calls for social reforms, addressed to the Northern Kingdom.

Paula Burg in Bet Shemesh, writes: The Etta Kossowsky shiur for women is continuing to learn on Shabbat afternoons. Whether it is one of those long, sometimes very hot, summer days or a very short winter Shabbat, we are together, enjoying our learning! Most weeks we learn Sefer HaChinuch. We are beginning the late 500's and are planning the early 600's, looking forward to a syyum in the coming year. Other weeks we vary, sometimes learning parsha, seasonal topics such as Chanuka, how to enhance our t'fillah; recently we have started learning about women in halacha. Our shiurim are always interesting, with different points of view, according to our many teachers Many thanks go out to ALL of them and to our many hostesses who work so hard so that this very special can continue.

If the text on the enclosed bookmark, written by my grandson Nesher, does not make sense to you, just enjoy it as a bookmark. It is intended to entertain and/or be useful to any member of your family learning Gemara.

As ever, we thank everyone who kindly sent us donations. While some groups are self-sufficient, some are really helped with books and organising expenses.

I plan to mark Etta's Yahrzeit, 23rd Shevat, Saturday, February 2nd, with a Memorial Evening in Bet Shemesh. We are delighted that Avigail Rock has agreed to be our guest speaker. I look forward to seeing everyone there.

Etta bookmark 2012

Chanuka sameach,
Esther Ehrman